Florida Adjunct Faculty Union
You work at two or three places and still struggle, you have no time for anything else, that is why you have to make time for this fight!
You work at two or three places and still struggle, you have no time for anything else, that is why you have to make time for this fight!
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Support our Cause
Support our cause, by making everybody know that you are for a just cause. Support student success by supporting those who support 70% of the student population (Adjuncts). Reject the profiteers that don’t care about education, or students even less for Adjuncts (“Part-Time” Professors). Stop the immoral stand for corporatism over a suffering class.
Why Support This Cause?
To reject the notion that if it is more profitable then everything else will take care on its own.
- Because education is about giving so our students can reap a better future to make our country prosper.
- Because education is about investing not to make big profits but to improve students’ life so they can become professional and improve their lives and thus contribute to society for they are to reap the profits.
- Because if we are going to make education affordable, which is a great cause, let’s not on the shoulders of Professors (Adjuncts) punished because they love what they do.